Sunday, February 7, 2016

Happy New Year + Developing a Routine

I know... it's February 7th and I'm writing a new years post!

Well, I did make resolutions for my business. You can see them here. But, I didn't for my personal life.

I didn't know what I wanted to work on, because I felt I had a whole TON to work on! Nobody is perfect (I'm sorry for getting Hannah Montana stuck in your head, haha). But, one of the best things about KNOWING who I am as a Daughter of God is that I KNOW that I have a Heavenly Father + Christ on my side to help me become more like them, each and everyday. Which is why I decided to start a resolution NOW, even though I'm a whole month late!

I don't know if you can relate, but I feel like I lack routine + productivity. I work 2 days a week at JCP (usually an evening shift) and then run my business the rest of the time. So that leaves me with no reason to go to bed early or wake up any earlier, unless I have a morning shoot planned. Right now, I'm awake around 9am and asleep around1am! Not healthy whatsoever! Nor is it good time management! I also totally don't exercise or take proper "me time" because I'm usually just spending time emailing, editing, or helping my mom with something.

SO, I'm going to take you on this journey with me! I'm setting up a morning + nightly routine to help me get better sleep + have a more productive day.

Here's the lowdown:


  • Wake up between 6am-6:30am. (I use a sleep analysis app called Sleep Cycle. It's brilliant!) I WILL NOT be checking my phone (no matter what texts or notifications I have) because I usually end up staying on it way longer than normal. I am only allowed to use apps listed below. 
  • Fill up my cup with water, lemon juice, and ice to drink during the rest of my morning routine.
  • Make my bed!
  • (2 min) meditation + stretching (5-10min). (I use the Calm app + a yoga/stretching routine I found on Pinterest)
  •   Pray (to begin scripture study)
  • Scripture Study (20min)(still deciding exactly what I want to study instead of just choosing random things) I will be using my physical scriptures for this.
  • Pray ( to end scripture study + start my day)
  • Work out for 20 min. ( I use the app called SWORKIT. Seriously, I LOVE. You can choose how long + use one of their workouts or craft your own. And it times it for you!)
  • Go make + eat breakfast! 
  • Get dressed + ready for the day!
  • I would like to be in bed by 11:15 every weeknight. 
  • Put away electronics 1 hour before I decide to get in bed or immediately when I get home. If I decide to take a bath or want to read, do so earlier.
  • Tidy bedroom + desk. 
  • Set out scriptures + study materials for the next morning.
  • Shower.
  • Lotion!
  • Brush Teeth, brush hair, moisturize face, etc.
  • Grab ice water + drink!
  • Night time stretching + meditation. (same apps as listed above)
  • Pray
  • Set alarm + off to bed! 
Routine is a difficult thing for me to get into, so let's hope this goes well! I'll be keeping you updated on any changes, etc.

Let me know if you are joining me in creating a routine + starting a resolution! 

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