Tuesday, March 15, 2016

The New Testament Reading Challenge: Day 2: Matthew 2

If you missed Day One you can find it here.

Read Matthew 2 here.

In this chapter the first twelve verses are about the wise men who searched for Christ when they saw the star that declared Christ's birth.

It's pretty apparent that the wise men were aware of the prophecies about Christ's birth. This got me thinking, if we are to look for signs of the second coming of Jesus Christ, shouldn't we know what they are? I heard a saying a while back, "Wise men still seek him." In order to seek, we must know WHO we are seeking and WHAT will show us that what we are seeking has come.

Another interesting thing I found was that the Wise Men may have not visited Christ at his birth. In Matthew 2:11 it implies that there could have been time between his birth and their visit. You can read it for yourself in the manual. 

In verses 12-16 we read about Herod's attempt to murder the children in the kingdom in order to kill Christ. But God's ways won't be stopped and Joseph is guided by the spirit to take his family and leave the city and live in Nazareth.

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