In this chapter the first twelve verses are about the wise men who searched for Christ when they saw the star that declared Christ's birth.
It's pretty apparent that the wise men were aware of the prophecies about Christ's birth. This got me thinking, if we are to look for signs of the second coming of Jesus Christ, shouldn't we know what they are? I heard a saying a while back, "Wise men still seek him." In order to seek, we must know WHO we are seeking and WHAT will show us that what we are seeking has come.
Another interesting thing I found was that the Wise Men may have not visited Christ at his birth. In Matthew 2:11 it implies that there could have been time between his birth and their visit. You can read it for yourself in the manual.
In verses 12-16 we read about Herod's attempt to murder the children in the kingdom in order to kill Christ. But God's ways won't be stopped and Joseph is guided by the spirit to take his family and leave the city and live in Nazareth.
I had ward conference in my singles ward today, and throughout the classes I got this desire to read the New Testament. So I started today!
I wanted to start a little log of everywhere I go as I study each chapter or the history (as you will see today) of each writer. I will be linking back to where I go and search. I stay on official sites almost always. I love to look up words and dive deeper into what it is, even if I might know what it is already. Often it can lead me to scriptures that are an added testimony or I learn something about the word I had no idea about.
As a small introduction of the New Testament, here are a few completely cheesy 80's seminary videos that explain what was going on religiously and politically during Christ's time. They are amazing, I totally suggest watching them.
Matthew was one of the Saviors apostles. He witnessed many of the miracles + events in Christ's life. "Matthew was a publican, or tax collector, known as Levi, the son of Alphaeus. (see Matthew 9:9, Mark 2:14, Luke 5:27-32)
WHY? (same source as above.)
Matthew wrote as another testament that Jesus Christ was the fulfillment of the prophecy of a Savior's coming. He also wrote as a testimony of the miracles Christ performed during his ministry and his divinity as the Son of God and our Savior.
The other descriptions of Matthew are amazing in the manual! I couldn't choose what to put so you can read it here.
The first chapter of Matthew is a prelude to the ministry of Jesus Christ. In this chapter you will read about Christ's birth and childhood.
There is a reoccurring theme of the fulfillment of Old Testament prophecies of his birth.
More about his birth + childhood is found in the book of Luke.
Verses 1-17
The chapter starts with a quick history of Christ's genealogy. The manual gives a great run-down of this, but one paragraph stood out to me:
Though both Matthew’s and Luke’s accounts are correct, the most important aspect of Jesus Christ’s genealogy has been made clear on several occasions byGod the Father: “This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased; hear ye him” (Matthew 17:5; see also Matthew 3:17; 3 Nephi 11:7; Joseph Smith—History 1:17).
President Gordon B. Hinkley declared his testimony of Christ's birth + lineage.
“I believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of the eternal, living God. … I believe that He was born of Mary of the lineage of David as the promised Messiah, that He was in very deed begotten of the Father, and that in His birth was the fulfillment of the great prophetic declaration of Isaiah: ‘For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder’ [Isaiah 9:6]” (“The Father, Son, and Holy Ghost,” Ensign,Nov. 1986, 50).
verse 18
One thing I found interesting in the manual was the difference between betrothal + marriage customs at the time of Christ's birth. When a couple was betrothed, the man took only legal possession (not physical, you could say) of the woman. This means that Mary went to live with Joseph before a marriage ceremony occurred but he only provided for her.
verses 18-25
Once Mary was found to be pregnant, and not with Joseph's child, Joseph could have done so many things. Joseph was going to subject to a quiet annulment, but after an angel visited him and assured him of Christ's lineage and divinity, he proceeded with the marriage.
“Matthew tells us that [Joseph] was of the lineage of King David, that he was a just and considerate man, that in a dream an angel told him who Jesus would be, that he was obedient, and that he gave Jesus his name, which means savior. (See Matt. 1.) We know that he took Mary to Bethlehem, where Jesus was born. (See Luke 2:4–6.) Less than two years later, Joseph took his family into Egypt to escape Herod, after being warned in a dream. In Egypt, a dream again told him when to return, and another dream told him to go to Galilee. (See Matt. 2:13–15, 19–22.) Four dreams from God! Joseph must have been an exceptionally visionary and spiritually sensitive man” (Gerald N. Lund, Jesus Christ, Key to the Plan of Salvation [1991], 51–52).
verse 21
The name Jesus comes from Iēsous, a Greek form of the Hebrew name Yeshua (Joshua in English). Yeshua means “Jehovah saves,” and the long form of the name,Yehoshua, means “Jehovah is salvation.” Both forms of the name bear witness of the identity and mission of Jesus Christ, who was Jehovah in the premortal life. Matthew described the Savior’s mission of salvation by declaring, “He shall save his people from their sins” (see also Helaman 5:10).
verse 23
Christ will also be called Emmanuel which means "God with us".
Read the whole Matthew 1 Section in the manual here.
I was studying the testimonies of the 11 witnesses of the Book of Mormon today before church. The study guide I'm using (found here) prompted me to write down the things they testified of in two columns: "they had to see the plates to write this" and "they didn't need to see the plates to write this". While there were a few that went under the first column, I was surprised to see that the majority could go under the second.
We don't have to see the physical plates or feel the engravings to know it's true. They gained a testimony of the truthfulness of the words it contains by reading, pondering, and asking God. Seeing them was just an ADDED testimony, but not needed.
When I knew that the Book of Mormon was true, I gained a testimony of so many other things at the same time. Because it's true, we know that we have a Savior who loves us and died for us so that we can live in our Heavenly Father's presence. Because it's true, I can receive my own answers to all of my questions, in the Lord's time. I could go on and on, but you get the picture! :)
I know... it's February 7th and I'm writing a new years post!
Well, I did make resolutions for my business. You can see them here. But, I didn't for my personal life.
I didn't know what I wanted to work on, because I felt I had a whole TON to work on! Nobody is perfect (I'm sorry for getting Hannah Montana stuck in your head, haha). But, one of the best things about KNOWING who I am as a Daughter of God is that I KNOW that I have a Heavenly Father + Christ on my side to help me become more like them, each and everyday. Which is why I decided to start a resolution NOW, even though I'm a whole month late!
I don't know if you can relate, but I feel like I lack routine + productivity. I work 2 days a week at JCP (usually an evening shift) and then run my business the rest of the time. So that leaves me with no reason to go to bed early or wake up any earlier, unless I have a morning shoot planned. Right now, I'm awake around 9am and asleep around1am! Not healthy whatsoever! Nor is it good time management! I also totally don't exercise or take proper "me time" because I'm usually just spending time emailing, editing, or helping my mom with something.
SO, I'm going to take you on this journey with me! I'm setting up a morning + nightly routine to help me get better sleep + have a more productive day.
Here's the lowdown:
Wake up between 6am-6:30am. (I use a sleep analysis app called Sleep Cycle. It's brilliant!) I WILL NOT be checking my phone (no matter what texts or notifications I have) because I usually end up staying on it way longer than normal. I am only allowed to use apps listed below.
Fill up my cup with water, lemon juice, and ice to drink during the rest of my morning routine.
Make my bed!
(2 min) meditation + stretching (5-10min). (I use the Calm app + a yoga/stretching routine I found on Pinterest)
Pray (to begin scripture study)
Scripture Study (20min)(still deciding exactly what I want to study instead of just choosing random things) I will be using my physical scriptures for this.
Pray ( to end scripture study + start my day)
Work out for 20 min. ( I use the app called SWORKIT. Seriously, I LOVE. You can choose how long + use one of their workouts or craft your own. And it times it for you!)
Go make + eat breakfast!
Get dressed + ready for the day!
I would like to be in bed by 11:15 every weeknight.
Put away electronics 1 hour before I decide to get in bed or immediately when I get home. If I decide to take a bath or want to read, do so earlier.
Tidy bedroom + desk.
Set out scriptures + study materials for the next morning.
Brush Teeth, brush hair, moisturize face, etc.
Grab ice water + drink!
Night time stretching + meditation. (same apps as listed above)
Set alarm + off to bed!
Routine is a difficult thing for me to get into, so let's hope this goes well! I'll be keeping you updated on any changes, etc.
Let me know if you are joining me in creating a routine + starting a resolution!
When I first started e-mailing my friends on their missions starting over a year ago I thought it was because they needed that support while they were out serving. And while that's still part of the reason I do it each week, it's become more than that. Each week I hear about their trials, successes, and experiences and my testimony is strengthened. I feel the spirit through the words they type. I've heard those stories about how missionaries leave and their families were blessed while they served. But I never thought it extended to their friends! Every Monday I'm uplifted by their words and just a little bit more is added to my testimony. A year ago my testimony wasn't this strong, I wasn't the same person. And I owe part of that to my friends serving missions. If you're not writing a missionary regularly, you should be. Trust me on this one.
I wait with baited breath to get my copy of the General Conference issue of the Ensign so I can mark it up like crazy! But as I wait, I read a few articles online. had a great article on that gave 8 tips on family study, so I applied it to my single self. ;)
Read the talk and summarize it in your own words.
Ask a question and spend some time finding that answer to that question.
Ask, "How can this apply to my life?" Write it down.
Select a sentence from the talk and post it somewhere in your house for the week.
Consider memorizing a quote that really stood out to you.
Keep a journal of all of these thoughts and quotes!
My mom still has Conference Ensigns from a long time ago with her notes in them. It's really fun to go back and look through them!
Happiness is one of things that people are always in search of.
It might be that dream job that they have always wanted. The new Prada shoes in the window at the shop on Main St. It could be to meet "the one". Many think, "Oh, I'll be happy when..."
Why not be happy now?
"It is not how much we have, but how much we enjoy, that makes happiness."
-Charles Spurgeon
Happiness isn't determined by some one else. My dad didn't call me this morning and tell me that I would be happy today. I made that decision on my own. Only I can control my own happiness.
"I am determined to be cheerful and happy in whatever situation I may find myself. For I have learned that the greater part of our misery or unhappiness is determined not by our circumstance but by our disposition."
-Martha Washington
CHOOSE to be happy. Of course things about our lives aren't perfect. Nothing will be. You may not be where you thought you were going to be. You might have family that causes problems. These may be influential in your life but no matter what you can be HAPPY.
"Most folks are as happy as they make up their minds to be."-Abraham Lincoln